Community-Owned Social Credit Cooperative

/ Case Studies / Community-Owned Social Credit Cooperative
Community-Owned Social Credit Cooperative

We are building a Social Credit model which benefits individuals, businesses and communities based on social capital economics and longevonomics. The social credit scoring will utlise algorithmic blockchain technology.  The foundation and catalyst for this is a host platform in the form of a community-owned cooperaitve.  Memebrship of the cooperative will be open to all businesses and individuals in communities.  On joining, each member (whether a business or an individual), will be allocated a benchmark social creidt score, which will increase or decrease in response to their soclal credit inputs.  


The objective is that businesses are incentivised to improve their social credit score, which will attract more business compared to those businesses with poor credit scores, who will lose business.  This mechanism uses market forces for supply and demand driven by underlying social credit scoring.


Similarly, communities can ehnance their community credit score in two ways: 1) by incentivising individuals and businesses in the community to improve their respective credit scores and, 2) by investing wealth and resources into poorer communities. Recipient communities of this shared wealth and resources can use the inward investment for public beneft projects, so generating a fair market returrn for investors as well as improving their community social credit score.


{More will be addded here soon).